Características del desarrollo de la expresión oral en los niños de 3 años en las instituciones de Educación Inicial 010, 011 y 018 de Jaén.
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La investigación es cuantitativa, el objetivo general busca caracterizar el desarrollo de la expresión oral en los niños y niñas de 3 años de las Instituciones Educativas 010, 011 y 018 de la ciudad Jaén.
La muestra conformada por 79 estudiantes, a quienes se observó el desarrollo de la expresión oral mediante una Ficha de Observación con 11 items. Los estudiantes evaluados mostraron un nivel de desarrollo “logrado” con un 67% y en “proceso” un 33% de las capacidades de la competencia “Se comunica oralmente en su lengua materna”.
Se evidenció, diferencias en el nivel “Logrado”, por instituciones obtuvieron los siguientes promedios porcentuales: la IEI 011 obtuvo 91%, la IEI 018 un 90 % y la IEI 010 un 88%. Asimismo, se constató diferencias de género, donde las mujeres mostraron mejores logros; estas diferencias fueron lideradas por la IEI 011, lo que significa que estas niñas en este contexto son estimuladas en el desarrollo de su expresión oral así como por sus padres en el hogar.
Se concluye, que los estudiantes han alcanzado el nivel esperado de los estándares para el ciclo y la edad en que se realizó la evaluación.
The research is quantitative, the general objective seeks to characterize the development of oral expression in 3-year-old boys and girls from Educational Institutions 010, 011 and 018 in the city of Jaén. The sample made up of 79 students, whose development of oral expression was observed through an Observation Sheet with 11 items. The students evaluated showed a level of development "achieved" with 67% and in "process" 33% of the skills of the competence "Communicates orally in their mother tongue". Differences were evidenced in the "Achieved" level by institutions, obtaining the following percentage averages: IEI 011 obtained 91%, IEI 018 90% and IEI 010 88%. Likewise, gender differences were found, where women showed better achievements; these differences were led by the IEI 011, which means that these girls in this context are stimulated in the development of their oral expression as well as by their parents at home. It is concluded that the students have reached the expected level of the standards for the cycle and the age in which the evaluation was carried out.
The research is quantitative, the general objective seeks to characterize the development of oral expression in 3-year-old boys and girls from Educational Institutions 010, 011 and 018 in the city of Jaén. The sample made up of 79 students, whose development of oral expression was observed through an Observation Sheet with 11 items. The students evaluated showed a level of development "achieved" with 67% and in "process" 33% of the skills of the competence "Communicates orally in their mother tongue". Differences were evidenced in the "Achieved" level by institutions, obtaining the following percentage averages: IEI 011 obtained 91%, IEI 018 90% and IEI 010 88%. Likewise, gender differences were found, where women showed better achievements; these differences were led by the IEI 011, which means that these girls in this context are stimulated in the development of their oral expression as well as by their parents at home. It is concluded that the students have reached the expected level of the standards for the cycle and the age in which the evaluation was carried out.
Diagnóstico, Expresión oral, Niveles de desarrollo, Diagnosis, Oral expression, Development levels