El desarrollo de la expresión oral de los niños de 3 a 5 años.
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La presente monografía de compilación trata de la expresión oral de los niños preescolares. Se asumió como objetivo describir el desarrollo de la oralidad en niños de 3 a 5 años. Se analiza las nociones elementales de esta capacidad en base a los aportes teóricos alcanzados por múltiples investigadores en los diversos contextos, como Piaget, Bruner y Chomsky, quienes han explicado su naturaleza, características, componentes e importancia. Metodológicamente, para su elaboración, se hizo la selección y análisis riguroso desde la óptica académica de artículos científicos virtuales, libros y tesis, mediante la búsqueda en gestores bibliográficos como Scielo, Redalyc, Google Académico y Sciéndo. Los resultados indican que los diversos estudiosos enfocan la expresión oral desde su propia óptica, sin embargo, ninguno se contradice y, hasta es posible hablar de coincidencias en que la expresión oral se desarrolla en la vida cotidiana durante toda la existencia. Finalmente, se concluye que la expresión oral en educandos de educación inicial resulta significativa, pues a través de ella se favorece el aprendizaje académico, al mismo tiempo contribuye con el desarrollo socioemocional y sirve de fundamento favorable para aprendizajes posteriores.
This compilation monograph deals with oral expression of preschool children. The objective was assumed to describe the development of orality in children from 3 to 5 years old. The elementary notions of this capacity are analyzed based on the theoretical contributions made by multiple researchers in various contexts, such as Piaget, Bruner and Chomsky, who have explained its nature, characteristics, components and importance. Methodologically, for its preparation, the selection and rigorous analysis from the academic perspective of virtual scientific articles, books and theses were carried out, through searching in bibliographic managers such as Scielo, Redalyc, Google Academic and Sciéndo. The results indicate that the various scholars approach oral expression from their own perspective, however, none of them contradict each other and it is even possible to speak of coincidences in which oral expression develops in daily life throughout existence. Finally, it is concluded that oral expression in early education students is significant, since through it academic learning is favored, at the same time it contributes to socio-emotional development and serves as a favorable foundation for subsequent learning.
This compilation monograph deals with oral expression of preschool children. The objective was assumed to describe the development of orality in children from 3 to 5 years old. The elementary notions of this capacity are analyzed based on the theoretical contributions made by multiple researchers in various contexts, such as Piaget, Bruner and Chomsky, who have explained its nature, characteristics, components and importance. Methodologically, for its preparation, the selection and rigorous analysis from the academic perspective of virtual scientific articles, books and theses were carried out, through searching in bibliographic managers such as Scielo, Redalyc, Google Academic and Sciéndo. The results indicate that the various scholars approach oral expression from their own perspective, however, none of them contradict each other and it is even possible to speak of coincidences in which oral expression develops in daily life throughout existence. Finally, it is concluded that oral expression in early education students is significant, since through it academic learning is favored, at the same time it contributes to socio-emotional development and serves as a favorable foundation for subsequent learning.
Expresión oral., desarrollo, niños preescolares, Oral expression, development, preschool children