El juego en el desarrollo psicomotor en niños de II ciclo de Educación Inicial.
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Esta investigación de carácter monográfico tuvo como finalidad comprender y promover la importancia del juego en el desarrollo psicomotor de los niños de 3 a 5 años. El estudio se ha basado en la metodología de la revisión bibliográfica consultando tesis, libros, etc. La información recogida se organizó en tres bloques temáticos, en el primer bloque se aborda el desarrollo psicomotor de los niños de 3 a 5 años, en el segundo bloque el juego como estrategia didáctica lúdica y como tercera parte se exponen juegos para el desarrollo psicomotor de los niños.
Los resultados de la revisión bibliográfica permiten afirmar que el juego es sumamente importante para el desarrollo integral del niño. A través de este se despliegan múltiples capacidades sociales, cognitivas, motrices y de autocontrol. Finalmente llegamos a la conclusión que el juego es importante para el desarrollo psicomotor de los niños porque brinda oportunidades para que realicen diferentes movimientos, corran, salten, caminen, se agachen, rueden, etc., desplegando todas sus capacidades motrices, potenciando además su imaginación y el desarrollo de múltiples habilidades.
This monographic research aimed to understand and promote the importance of play in the psychomotor development of children from 3 to 5 years old. The study has been based on the methodology of bibliographic review consulting theses, books, etc. The information collected was organized into three thematic blocks, in the first block the psychomotor development of children from 3 to 5 years old is addressed, in the second block the game as a playful didactic strategy and as a third part games for the psychomotor development of children are presented. children. The results of the bibliographic review allow us to affirm that play is extremely important for the comprehensive development of the child. Through this, multiple social, cognitive, motor and self-control capacities are deployed. Finally, we come to the conclusion that play is important for the psychomotor development of children because it provides opportunities for them to make different movements, run, jump, walk, bend, roll, etc., deploying all their motor abilities, also enhancing their imagination. and the development of multiple skills.
This monographic research aimed to understand and promote the importance of play in the psychomotor development of children from 3 to 5 years old. The study has been based on the methodology of bibliographic review consulting theses, books, etc. The information collected was organized into three thematic blocks, in the first block the psychomotor development of children from 3 to 5 years old is addressed, in the second block the game as a playful didactic strategy and as a third part games for the psychomotor development of children are presented. children. The results of the bibliographic review allow us to affirm that play is extremely important for the comprehensive development of the child. Through this, multiple social, cognitive, motor and self-control capacities are deployed. Finally, we come to the conclusion that play is important for the psychomotor development of children because it provides opportunities for them to make different movements, run, jump, walk, bend, roll, etc., deploying all their motor abilities, also enhancing their imagination. and the development of multiple skills.
Juego, desarrollo, psicomotricidad, Play, development, psychomotor skills