Características del desarrollo de la psicomotricidad fina en niños y niñas de cuatro años, en las instituciones educativas del nivel inicial N° 456 - Las Piñas, N° 499, La Flor del Norte y N° 026 de Cedro del Pasto, Jaén.
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La investigación tuvo como objetivo describir las características del desarrollo de la psicomotricidad fina respecto a la coordinación óculo manual en los niños de 4 años de las instituciones educativas del Nivel Inicial N° 456 - Las Piñas, N° 499, La Flor del Norte y N° 026 de Cedro del Pasto, Jaén. El diseño asumido fue el de la investigación descriptiva comparativa bajo el enfoque cuantitativo.
El estudio fue realizado en una población – muestra de 17 estudiantes de 4 años de edad, a quienes se evaluó el desarrollo de la coordinación óculo manual como manifestación de su psicomotricidad fina mediante una ficha de observación.
Los resultados mostraron que la mayoría de los estudiantes de 4 años de las IEI N° 456, N° 499 y N° 026 en el desarrollo de la coordinación viso manual, se encuentran en el nivel “proceso” y un 40% en el nivel “logrado”, siendo los estudiantes de la IEI N° 456 los que muestran mejor perfil, en las habilidades de realizar trazos con el lápiz o el punzón, haciendo la pinza digital y coordinar movimiento de ambas manos para realizar actividades como: modelar, enroscar, desenroscar, rasgar, enhebrar y abotonar.
The objective of the research was to describe the characteristics of the development of fine motor skills with respect to hand-eye coordination in 4-year-old children from the educational institutions of the Initial Level No. 456 - Las Piñas, No. 499, La Flor del Norte and N 026 of Cedro del Pasto, Jaén. The assumed design was that of comparative descriptive research under the quantitative approach. The study was carried out in a population-sample of 17 4-year-old students, who were evaluated for the development of hand-eye coordination as a manifestation of their fine motor skills by means of an observation sheet. The results showed that the majority of the 4-year-old students of the IEI No. 456, No. 499 and No. 026 in the development of hand-eye coordination, are at the "process" level and 40% at the level "achieved", being the students of the IEI No. 456 those who show the best profile, in the skills of making strokes with the pencil or the punch, making the digital clamp and coordinating movement of both hands to carry out activities such as: modeling, screwing , unscrew, tear, thread and button.
The objective of the research was to describe the characteristics of the development of fine motor skills with respect to hand-eye coordination in 4-year-old children from the educational institutions of the Initial Level No. 456 - Las Piñas, No. 499, La Flor del Norte and N 026 of Cedro del Pasto, Jaén. The assumed design was that of comparative descriptive research under the quantitative approach. The study was carried out in a population-sample of 17 4-year-old students, who were evaluated for the development of hand-eye coordination as a manifestation of their fine motor skills by means of an observation sheet. The results showed that the majority of the 4-year-old students of the IEI No. 456, No. 499 and No. 026 in the development of hand-eye coordination, are at the "process" level and 40% at the level "achieved", being the students of the IEI No. 456 those who show the best profile, in the skills of making strokes with the pencil or the punch, making the digital clamp and coordinating movement of both hands to carry out activities such as: modeling, screwing , unscrew, tear, thread and button.
Psicomotricidad fina, coordinación óculo manual., fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination