Diagnóstico de la práctica pedagógica de expresión oral en niños y niñas de 4 años de la I. E. I. N° 259 Túpac Amaru, Imaza, 2022.
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La investigación buscó identificar contradicciones formativas en la práctica pedagógica de la expresión oral en niños de 4 años de la Institución Educativa Inicial N° 259 Túpac Amaru I, Imaza. La metodología fue descriptiva simple, univariada, centrada en el diagnóstico de las prácticas pedagógicas de expresión oral. El registro de información se realizó a través de 4 diarios de campo mediante la técnica de observación participante. La población y mues-tra estuvo conformada una docente y 22 niños de 4 años. Los resultados evi-denciaron cuatro hallazgos manifestados como contradicciones en la práctica pedagógica oral: (a) en el juego; (b) en el canto; (c) en la narración; (d) en la graficación y dibujo. Las conclusiones establecieron: primero, que se constata-ron las realizaciones prácticas de las estrategias y materiales en la enseñanza-aprendizaje de la oralidad; segundo, se identificaron cuatro contradicciones formativas: juego, canto, narración, graficación/dibujo; tercero, las contradic-ciones tuvieron los siguientes sentidos formativos: (a) el juego del niño es, a la vez, libre y no libre; (b) la canción docente tiene intenciones formativas y nor-mativas; (c) la narración es un acto de verificación de la comprensión y no de la estimulación de la producción; (d) el dibujo reproduce/grafica una narrativa ya producida.
The research sought to identify formative contradictions in the peda-gogical practice of oral expression in 4-year-old children from the of the Initial Educational Institution No. 259 Tupac Amaru I, Imaza. The methodology was simple descriptive, univariate, focused on the diagnosis of oral expression pedagogical practices. Information was recorded through 4 field diaries using the participant observation technique. The population and sample consisted of a teacher and 22 4-year-old children. The results evidenced four findings man-ifested as contradictions in the oral pedagogical practice: (a) in the game; (b) in singing; (c) in the narrative; (d) in graphing and drawing. The conclusions es-tablished: first, that the practical realizations of the strategies and materials in the teaching-learning of orality were verified; second, four formative contradic-tions were identified: game, song, narration, graphing/drawing; Third, the con-tradictions had the following formative meanings: (a) the child's play is free and not free at the same time; (b) the teaching song has formative and normative intentions; (c) the narration is an act of verification of comprehension and not of the stimulation of production; (d) the drawing reproduces/graphs an already produced narrative.
The research sought to identify formative contradictions in the peda-gogical practice of oral expression in 4-year-old children from the of the Initial Educational Institution No. 259 Tupac Amaru I, Imaza. The methodology was simple descriptive, univariate, focused on the diagnosis of oral expression pedagogical practices. Information was recorded through 4 field diaries using the participant observation technique. The population and sample consisted of a teacher and 22 4-year-old children. The results evidenced four findings man-ifested as contradictions in the oral pedagogical practice: (a) in the game; (b) in singing; (c) in the narrative; (d) in graphing and drawing. The conclusions es-tablished: first, that the practical realizations of the strategies and materials in the teaching-learning of orality were verified; second, four formative contradic-tions were identified: game, song, narration, graphing/drawing; Third, the con-tradictions had the following formative meanings: (a) the child's play is free and not free at the same time; (b) the teaching song has formative and normative intentions; (c) the narration is an act of verification of comprehension and not of the stimulation of production; (d) the drawing reproduces/graphs an already produced narrative.
Educación inicial, práctica pedagógica, expresión oral, actividad lúdica, canción, texto narrativo, elementary education, pedagogical practice, oral expression, ludic activity, song, narrative text