Desarrollo de la psicomotricidad fina a través de estrategias gráfico plásticas en niños de 3 años en las instituciones de educación inicial N° 447, N°16566 y N°16135 de Jaén.
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La investigación se realizó con el objetivo de fortalecer el desarrollo de la psicomotricidad fina en los niños de 3 años en las instituciones de educación inicial N° 447 El Edén, N° 16135 y N° 16566 de la provincia de Jaén. Para lograr dicho objetivo se aplicó la metodología de la investigación acción educativa. En el recojo y sistematización de la información se aplicaron estrategias e instrumentos cualitativos como la observación participante, los diarios de campo y el registro fotográfico.
Como resultados de la intervención pedagógica se puede señalar la mejora en el uso de los espacios educativos disponiéndolos para el desarrollo de actividades psicomotoras, así mismo, se optimizó la práctica pedagógica del docente en la aplicación de las estrategias gráfico plásticas. Se concluye afirmando que la mejora de la práctica pedagógica en el uso de estrategias gráfico plásticas y el uso adecuado de los espacios educativos con materiales didácticos favoreció el fortalecimiento del desarrollo de la psicomotricidad fina de los niños de tres años en las instituciones de educación inicial N° 447 El Edén, N° 16135 y N° 16566 de la provincia de Jaén.
The research was carried out with the objective of strengthening the development of fine motor skills in 3-year-old children of the initial education institutions No. 447 El Edén, No. 16135 and No. 16566 in the province of Jaén. To achieve this objective, the methodology of educational action research was applied. Qualitative techniques and instruments such as participant observation, field diaries and photographic recording were applied in the collection and systematization of information. As results of the pedagogical intervention, the improvement in the use of educational spaces can be noted, arranging them for the development of psychomotor activities. Likewise, the teacher's pedagogical practice was optimized in the application of graphic-plastic strategies. It is concluded by stating that the improvement of pedagogical practice in the use of graphic-plastic strategies and the appropriate use of educational spaces with didactic materials favored the strengthening of the development of fine motor skills of three-year-old children from initial education institutions N ° 447 El Edén, N° 16135 and N° 16566 of the province of Jaén.
The research was carried out with the objective of strengthening the development of fine motor skills in 3-year-old children of the initial education institutions No. 447 El Edén, No. 16135 and No. 16566 in the province of Jaén. To achieve this objective, the methodology of educational action research was applied. Qualitative techniques and instruments such as participant observation, field diaries and photographic recording were applied in the collection and systematization of information. As results of the pedagogical intervention, the improvement in the use of educational spaces can be noted, arranging them for the development of psychomotor activities. Likewise, the teacher's pedagogical practice was optimized in the application of graphic-plastic strategies. It is concluded by stating that the improvement of pedagogical practice in the use of graphic-plastic strategies and the appropriate use of educational spaces with didactic materials favored the strengthening of the development of fine motor skills of three-year-old children from initial education institutions N ° 447 El Edén, N° 16135 and N° 16566 of the province of Jaén.
Psicomotricidad fina, Estrategias didácticas grafico plásticas, Espacio educativo, Fine motor skills, Graph-plastic teaching strategies, Educational space