Juegos creativos para desarrollar la motricidad fina en los niños y niñas de 4 años de la Institución Educativa Inicial N°446 Santa Beatriz – Jaén, año 2022.
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La presente tesis tuvo como objetivo principal diseñar una propuesta pedagógica basada en juegos creativos para incrementar el desarrollo de la motricidad fina en los niños de 4 años de la Institución Educativa Inicial N°446 de Santa Beatriz - Jaén. Se utilizó un diseño descriptivo simple propositivo. La muestra fue intencional, por conveniencia, conformada por 24 niños de cuatro años de edad.
Para recolectar información se usó las técnicas de observación y de entrevista. La validez de los instrumentos se realizó mediante juicio de expertos y su confiabilidad se determinó mediante la prueba estadística.
Los resultados del desarrollo de la motricidad fina en los niños de 4 años indican que la mayor dificultad se encuentra en la dimensión coordinación óculo-manual al recortar figuras con líneas curvas con 83% y en la dimensión sensorial al reconocer diferentes texturas en objetos que manipula con 79.0%. En tanto, que en las dimensiones fonética y facial más del 54.0% de niños lo han desarrollado.
Asimismo, en la práctica pedagógica de la docente se evidencia que desconoce criterios básicos para crear juegos creativos que favorezcan el desarrollo de la motricidad fina, limitando su rol a orientar, dar ideas y animar a los niños durante las actividades lúdicas rutinarias.
The main objective of this thesis was to design a pedagogical proposal based on creative games to increase fine the development of fine motor skills in 4-year-old children of the Initial Educational Institution N°446 of Santa Beatriz - Jaén. A simple proactive descriptive design was used. The sample was intentional, for convenience, made up of 24 four-year-old children. To collect information, observation and interview techniques were used. The validity of the instruments was carried out through expert judgment and their reliability was determined through the statistical test. The results of the development of fine motor skills in 4-year-old children indicate that the greatest difficulty is found in the eye-hand coordination dimension when cutting out figures with curved lines with 83% and in the sensory dimension when recognizing different textures in objects that are manipulated. with 79.0%. Meanwhile, in the phonetic and facial dimensions more than 54.0% of children have developed it. Likewise, in the pedagogical practice of the teacher it is evident that she does not know basic criteria to create creative games that favor the development of fine motor skills, limiting her role to guiding, giving ideas and encouraging children during routine playful activities.
The main objective of this thesis was to design a pedagogical proposal based on creative games to increase fine the development of fine motor skills in 4-year-old children of the Initial Educational Institution N°446 of Santa Beatriz - Jaén. A simple proactive descriptive design was used. The sample was intentional, for convenience, made up of 24 four-year-old children. To collect information, observation and interview techniques were used. The validity of the instruments was carried out through expert judgment and their reliability was determined through the statistical test. The results of the development of fine motor skills in 4-year-old children indicate that the greatest difficulty is found in the eye-hand coordination dimension when cutting out figures with curved lines with 83% and in the sensory dimension when recognizing different textures in objects that are manipulated. with 79.0%. Meanwhile, in the phonetic and facial dimensions more than 54.0% of children have developed it. Likewise, in the pedagogical practice of the teacher it is evident that she does not know basic criteria to create creative games that favor the development of fine motor skills, limiting her role to guiding, giving ideas and encouraging children during routine playful activities.
Juegos creativos, motricidad fina, Creative games, Fine motor