Práctica pedagógica de la animación lectora en educación inicial.
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La monografía tuvo como objetivo sistematizar información relevante de la práctica pedagógica de animación lectora en educación inicial. El método utilizado se basó en la búsqueda bibliográfica del tema animación lectora como categoría de interés. Para ello, se consultó fuentes primarias y secundarias. Los buscadores de mayor recurrencia fueron Google académico, Alicia y Concytec. Estas fuentes brindaron información confiable expresada en revistas de alto impacto. Los descriptores más comunes para encontrar la información requerida fueron animación lectora, lectura, lectura infantil, animación lectora en inicial, lectura familiar, comprensión lectora. Como resultado se logró construir una monografía de compilación de la categoría animación lectora en educación inicial. Las conclusiones indican que promover la animación lectora desde la primera infancia significa sentar las bases para el desarrollo de una sociedad lectora. Las teorías de Piaget y Vygotsky marcan la pauta orientadora en la lectura infantil. Finalmente, las estrategias de animación lectora son potentes recursos para despertar el amor por la lectura.
The objective of the monograph was to systematize relevant information on the pedagogical practice of reading animation in early education. The method used was based on the bibliographic search of the topic reading animation as a category of interest. To do this, primary and secondary sources were consulted. The search engines with the highest frequency were Google academic, Alicia Concytec. These sources provided reliable information expressed in high-impact journals. The most common descriptors to find the required information were reading animation, reading, children's reading, initial reading animation, family reading, reading comprehension. As a result, it was possible to build a compilation monograph of the reading animation category in early education. The conclusions indicate that promoting reading encouragement from early childhood means laying the foundations for the development of a reading society. The theories of Piaget and Vygotsky set the guiding standard for children's reading. Finally, reading encouragement strategies are powerful resources to awaken a love for reading.
The objective of the monograph was to systematize relevant information on the pedagogical practice of reading animation in early education. The method used was based on the bibliographic search of the topic reading animation as a category of interest. To do this, primary and secondary sources were consulted. The search engines with the highest frequency were Google academic, Alicia Concytec. These sources provided reliable information expressed in high-impact journals. The most common descriptors to find the required information were reading animation, reading, children's reading, initial reading animation, family reading, reading comprehension. As a result, it was possible to build a compilation monograph of the reading animation category in early education. The conclusions indicate that promoting reading encouragement from early childhood means laying the foundations for the development of a reading society. The theories of Piaget and Vygotsky set the guiding standard for children's reading. Finally, reading encouragement strategies are powerful resources to awaken a love for reading.
Estrategias, lectura, práctica pedagógica, Strategies, reading, pedagogical practice