La convivencia escolar en el nivel de educación inicial.
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El trabajo de investigación realizado se estudió teóricamente la variable convivencia escolar en el ámbito de la educación inicial, cuyo objetivo estuvo encaminado a sistematizar información relativa a la variable investigada. El abordaje metodológico de la tarea investigativa descansó en la búsqueda de información procedente de artículos científicos, tesis y libros, examinándose las bases de datos como Scielo, Google Académico y Redalyc, también, se buscó aportes teóricos de investigadores hallada en los repositorios de centros universitarios extranjeros y nacionales. La información recolectada fue seleccionada en concordancia con la variable seleccionada, además, fue sistematizada considerando sus teorías, concepto, dimensiones e importancia, a fin de facilitar su respectivo análisis. Como primordial resultado obtenido es que se consolidó el trabajo de investigación con respaldo teórico válido y actualizado en referencia a la convivencia escolar dentro de la educación preescolar. Culminada la averiguación, se elaboraron las conclusiones finales en torno a los hallazgos teóricos, específicamente, sobre el desafío que implica construir una convivencia positiva, desde la práctica del docente de educación inicial con la perspectiva de que los infantes aprendan a convivir con los demás.
The research work carried out theoretically studied the school coexistence variable in the field of initial education, whose objective was aimed at systematizing information related to the investigated variable. The methodological approach of the research task rested on the search for information from scientific articles, theses and books, examining databases such as Scielo, Google Academic and Redalyc, and also searching for theoretical contributions from researchers found in the repositories of university centers. foreigners and nationals. The information collected was selected in accordance with the selected variable, in addition, it was systematized considering its theories, concept, dimensions and importance, in order to facilitate its respective analysis. The main result obtained is that the research work was consolidated with valid and updated theoretical support in reference to school coexistence within preschool education. Once the investigation was completed, the final conclusions were drawn up regarding the theoretical findings, specifically, about the challenge involved in building a positive coexistence, from the practice of the early education teacher with the perspective that infants learn to live with others.
The research work carried out theoretically studied the school coexistence variable in the field of initial education, whose objective was aimed at systematizing information related to the investigated variable. The methodological approach of the research task rested on the search for information from scientific articles, theses and books, examining databases such as Scielo, Google Academic and Redalyc, and also searching for theoretical contributions from researchers found in the repositories of university centers. foreigners and nationals. The information collected was selected in accordance with the selected variable, in addition, it was systematized considering its theories, concept, dimensions and importance, in order to facilitate its respective analysis. The main result obtained is that the research work was consolidated with valid and updated theoretical support in reference to school coexistence within preschool education. Once the investigation was completed, the final conclusions were drawn up regarding the theoretical findings, specifically, about the challenge involved in building a positive coexistence, from the practice of the early education teacher with the perspective that infants learn to live with others.
Convivencia escolar, educación inicial, preescolares, School coexistence, initial education, preschoolers