El Juego en la enseñanza preescolar de los niños de 5 años.
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La actividad lúdica tiene relevancia en la enseñanza preescolar, debido a que los infantes adquieren un mejor aprendizaje que les permite conocer e interactuar mejor en su propio entorno y relacionarse adecuadamente con sus pares o personas adultas. El propósito del estudio fue comprender la naturaleza de juego en los niños menores de seis años, así como su aplicabilidad como estrategia didáctica y su impacto en el aprendizaje de los niños de educación inicial. Para ello se optó por una investigación de carácter bibliográfico a partir de la revisión de diversas fuentes escritas obtenidas de repositorios de universidades, publicaciones electrónicas y libros en físico. Los resultados del análisis de la información llevan a concluir afirmando que el juego es una actividad fundamental, propia de la naturaleza de los niños, forma parte de la vida y es el medio por el cual el niño/a explora e interactúa con el entorno que le rodea, por ello, en el campo educativo, el juego se convierte en una potente herramienta pedagógica que pueden usar los docentes para optimizar su enseñanza y facilitar a los niños múltiples posibilidades de aprender de manera divertida y creativa.
Playful activity is relevant in preschool education, because infants acquire better learning that allows them to know and interact better in their own environment and relate appropriately with their peers or adults. The purpose of the study was to understand the nature of play in children under six years of age, as well as its applicability as a teaching strategy and its impact on the learning of children in early education. For this purpose, a bibliographic research was chosen based on the review of various written sources obtained from university repositories, electronic publications and physical books. The results of the analysis of the information lead us to conclude that play is a fundamental activity, typical of the nature of children, it is part of life and is the means by which the child explores and interacts with the environment in which they live. surrounds it, therefore, in the educational field, the game becomes a powerful pedagogical tool that teachers can use to optimize their teaching and provide children with multiple possibilities to learn in a fun and creative way.
Playful activity is relevant in preschool education, because infants acquire better learning that allows them to know and interact better in their own environment and relate appropriately with their peers or adults. The purpose of the study was to understand the nature of play in children under six years of age, as well as its applicability as a teaching strategy and its impact on the learning of children in early education. For this purpose, a bibliographic research was chosen based on the review of various written sources obtained from university repositories, electronic publications and physical books. The results of the analysis of the information lead us to conclude that play is a fundamental activity, typical of the nature of children, it is part of life and is the means by which the child explores and interacts with the environment in which they live. surrounds it, therefore, in the educational field, the game becomes a powerful pedagogical tool that teachers can use to optimize their teaching and provide children with multiple possibilities to learn in a fun and creative way.
Juego, educación, aprendizaje, enseñanza., game, education, learning, teaching