Diagnóstico de la práctica pedagógica de lectura en niños de 4 años de la Institución Educativa “Aplicación Víctor Andrés Belaunde”, Jaén, Cajamarca, 2022
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El trabajo de investigación buscó analizar las situaciones contradictorias recurrentes en la práctica pedagógica de lectura en niños de 4 años de la Institución Educativa “Aplicación Víctor Andrés Belaunde”, Jaén, Cajamarca (2022). El estudio fue descriptivo simple y el registro de datos se realizó con técnicas e instrumentos cualitativos: la observación participante, los diarios y entrevistas respectivamente. Se identificaron tres situaciones contradictorias recurrentes: lectura libre por placer / lectura dirigida o pautada; demanda de niños lectores / falta de libros adecuados al nivel; cantidad de niños lectores / espacio de lectura reducido y compartido con otros niveles. Se concluyó que las situaciones contradictorias identificadas caracterizan la realidad formativa de la lectura en Educación Inicial y que la lectura libre, la demanda y cantidad de niños lectores son dimensiones tensionadas.
The aim of the research was to analyze the contradictory recurrent situ-ations in the pedagogical practice of reading in 4-year-old children at the "Vic-tor Andrés Belaunde Application" Educational Institution, Jaén, Cajamarca (2022). The study design was simple, descriptive and the data was recorded using qualitative techniques and instruments: participant observation, diaries and interviews, respectively. Three recurrent contradictory situations were identified: free reading for pleasure / guided reading; demand of children readers / lack of level-appropriate books; number of children readers / reduced reading space shared with other levels. The research concluded that the iden-tified contradictory situations characterize the formative reality of reading in Early Education and that free reading, demand and number of children read-ers are dimensions of tension.
The aim of the research was to analyze the contradictory recurrent situ-ations in the pedagogical practice of reading in 4-year-old children at the "Vic-tor Andrés Belaunde Application" Educational Institution, Jaén, Cajamarca (2022). The study design was simple, descriptive and the data was recorded using qualitative techniques and instruments: participant observation, diaries and interviews, respectively. Three recurrent contradictory situations were identified: free reading for pleasure / guided reading; demand of children readers / lack of level-appropriate books; number of children readers / reduced reading space shared with other levels. The research concluded that the iden-tified contradictory situations characterize the formative reality of reading in Early Education and that free reading, demand and number of children read-ers are dimensions of tension.
Diagnóstico, práctica pedagógica, lectura, diagnostic, pedagogical practice, reading