La agresividad y socialización en los niños de 3 años de la institución educativa inicial N° 17771 Agua Azul.
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Esta tesis de investigación abordó la problemática de la agresividad y la socialización en niños de tres años en la Institución Educativa Inicial N° 17771 Agua Azul. El objetivo central fue promover el desarrollo de habilidades sociales en los niños de 3 años de las Instituciones de Educación Inicial N° 17771 Agua Azul, abordando sus comportamientos agresivos mediante la aplicación de estrategias didácticas lúdicas. Para lograr este propósito, nos basamos en el método de investigación acción participativa, que nos facultó para explorar nuestras prácticas docentes y ejecutar acciones específicas orientadas a resolver la problemática que consideramos relevante en nuestras prácticas educativas. A lo largo de la investigación, observamos que la planificación de proyectos didácticos específicos, derivados de la identificación de competencias y capacidades en las áreas curriculares de Personal Social y Comunicación, y su conexión con los objetivos de investigación, ha sido exitosa. Estos proyectos se llevaron a cabo mediante talleres lúdicos, demostrando ser eficaces para abordar aspectos clave del desarrollo emocional y social de los niños. En este proceso, la ludicidad emergió como una estrategia didáctica fundamental para mejorar nuestras prácticas de enseñanza. La estrecha colaboración entre la escuela y la familia ha fortalecido la implementación de estos proyectos. Sin embargo, es esencial garantizar la continuidad y sostenibilidad de los proyectos y sus talleres a lo largo del tiempo. Para lograrlo, proponemos la implementación de formación continua para los docentes, la integración regular de los talleres en el plan de estudios y la participación activa de los padres en el proceso. Además, explorar posibles colaboraciones con organizaciones externas o la comunidad podría optimizar los recursos disponibles. Asimismo, la colaboración con otras instituciones educativas o comunitarias para compartir buenas prácticas enriquecería la experiencia de aprendizaje de los niños más allá del aula.
This research thesis addressed the issue of aggressiveness and socialization in three-year-old children at Educational Institution N° 17771 Agua Azul. The primary objective was to promote the development of social skills in 3-year-old children from Educational Institutions N° 17771 Agua Azul, addressing their aggressive behaviors through the implementation of ludic teaching strategies. To achieve this goal, we relied on the participatory action research method, which enabled us to explore our teaching practices and carry out specific actions aimed at addressing the issues we deemed relevant in our educational practices. Throughout the research, we observed that the planning of specific didactic projects, derived from the identification of competencies and capacities in the curricular areas of Personal Social and Communication, and their connection to research objectives, has been successful. These projects were carried out through ludic workshops, proving to be effective in addressing key aspects of emotional and social development in children. In this process, ludicity emerged as a fundamental didactic strategy to enhance our teaching practices. The close collaboration between the school and the family has strengthened the implementation of these projects. However, it is essential to ensure the continuity and sustainability of the projects and their workshops over time. To achieve this, we propose the implementation of continuous training for teachers, the regular integration of workshops into the curriculum, and the active participation of parents in the process. Additionally, exploring potential collaborations with external organizations or the community could optimize the available resources. Likewise, collaborating with other educational or community institutions to share best practices would enrich the learning experience for children beyond the classroom.
This research thesis addressed the issue of aggressiveness and socialization in three-year-old children at Educational Institution N° 17771 Agua Azul. The primary objective was to promote the development of social skills in 3-year-old children from Educational Institutions N° 17771 Agua Azul, addressing their aggressive behaviors through the implementation of ludic teaching strategies. To achieve this goal, we relied on the participatory action research method, which enabled us to explore our teaching practices and carry out specific actions aimed at addressing the issues we deemed relevant in our educational practices. Throughout the research, we observed that the planning of specific didactic projects, derived from the identification of competencies and capacities in the curricular areas of Personal Social and Communication, and their connection to research objectives, has been successful. These projects were carried out through ludic workshops, proving to be effective in addressing key aspects of emotional and social development in children. In this process, ludicity emerged as a fundamental didactic strategy to enhance our teaching practices. The close collaboration between the school and the family has strengthened the implementation of these projects. However, it is essential to ensure the continuity and sustainability of the projects and their workshops over time. To achieve this, we propose the implementation of continuous training for teachers, the regular integration of workshops into the curriculum, and the active participation of parents in the process. Additionally, exploring potential collaborations with external organizations or the community could optimize the available resources. Likewise, collaborating with other educational or community institutions to share best practices would enrich the learning experience for children beyond the classroom.
Agresividad, Socialización, Talleres lúdicos, aggression, socialization, recreational workshops